Episode 19 – Soundcraft Si Compact Follow Up Review

I had been asked recently to do a follow up review on the Si Compact.  The audio quality on this recording is pretty bad.  It was recorded on my iPhone while driving from Charleston to Greenville, SC in our church truck heading to install some subwoofers. Hoping to get back on a regular schedule from here on out.

Gear Used:

  • Reaper 4.02 Mac 64bit
  • iPhone 4
  • Apple Earbuds Mic
  • Event TR8 Monitor


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One Response to Episode 19 – Soundcraft Si Compact Follow Up Review

  1. Stacy says:

    Thanks for the review. I was very curious to learn about what other people thought about this console. I have been using one for almost 3 months. This honestly is the first digital console I have worked. I have been analog for 10 years and finally was able to start moving to the digital world. It was a very easy transition and I kick myself for being so intimidated to make the switch. Since, I was able to start working on some Yamaha and Digidesign consoles. I would recommend the Soundcraft SI to any analog engineer who wants to learn digital.
    I agree with you, it is very easy to use. All in all, I like it and can work with it. Some things I would have liked to see is a little more room. Their is no room for board tape. This gets frustrating when you are working with multiple bands. (I work on the 24)
    I wish they made it a little longer to fit all 24 faders on the main face. They only left room for 22. I know it is a “compact” however think 4 more inches for 2 more faders would still consider it “compact”
    The biggest thing is no subgroups. I can’t believe they left this out.
    Like I mentioned, I do like it, however feel they overlooked a few things.
    I am a little confused when you said their are no eq libraries. Maybe I misunderstood you, however I have been successfully been able to save numerous shows which saves all of the settings. I have saved then on a flash drive also.
    I am also confused when you were talking about the fx returns burning up channels.
    I use all 24 channels and all 4 onboard fx. The fx returns appear in blue.
    I really liked what you said about the delay on each channel. I have yet to use this feature and honestly, didn’t know what it did. Now it makes sense. I will try this next time out.

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