
ChurchGrip is a weekly podcast about church production and technology.  One topic is picked and try to keep it under ten minutes.  Rick Russell (@ossmac) is the host.  If you are interested in audio, video or lighting, check out a few episodes or subscribe in iTunes.

One Response to About

  1. Samuel says:


    I’ve got a few questions about the SI compact which I can’t seem to figure out from the manual or reviews. First, can you do anything with the empty channels in ‘Layer B’ like you can with the second layer on an LS9? Can I select on of those channels, select an input and run a copy of another input channel? The manual says (40 inputs to mix??). Doing that is how I keep compression out of the monitors on the LS9, I just put copies of the vocal channels on the second layer and send the monitors from their. If not, how can I keep compression out of my monitors? Can I change the signal chain to EQ > sends > dynamics?

    This is my only reservation about the console. I don’t mind the layering, I’ve spent tons of time on an LS9 so I’m going to feel free as a bird no matter what on this board. I don’t use expansion cards so I don’t need to wait for anything. If I can wrap my head around how I’m going to deal with compression and monitors then I might be ready to pull the trigger.

    Thanks for doing these reviews, really helpful to those of us without access to these new consoles.

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